
Prix au Kg : 10.89$
Poids net : 2 cotelettes environs 450g – 1 lbs

SKU: #516-en Category:


The loin chops are very tender and the bone prevents them from drying out during cooking. Opt for a pink cooking to keep the tenderness of the meat. They will be delicious grilled in a pan, under the broiler or on the barbecue and keep your habit of marinating them 1 to 2 hours before cooking! Cooking mode : For the (¾ inch) thick chops allow about 6 minutes of cooking time, turning them at 3 minutes. Let stand 2 to 3 minutes before serving.

Offering Quebec pork means choosing an invaluable source of excellent protein, choosing modern farming methods, choosing meat controlled according to the highest quality standards, choosing a natural and hormone-free meat which is ranked as a world leader in sustainable development. Because Quebec pork is us!

Additional information

Price per Kg


Net weight

Environ 450 g – 1 lbs

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